Japanese game publisher Square Enix sold all western game studios and many game series to Embracer a European game publisher. While the name Embracer may not be fresh in your memory the game studios they have under them might. Deep Silver, THQ Nordic, and Gearbox are just a few that you may recognize.

The sale itself was $300 million dollars and included quite a bit. Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal, and Square Enix Montreal were all included with the entire staff of each going with the studios. Roughly 1,100 people make up those staff but that’s not all. IPs such as Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, and Legacy of Kain make up some of the more popular of the catalog of over 50 games that were also purchased.

Square Enix Sold All Western Game Studios

With that being said, Square Enix  “will continue to publish franchises such as Just CauseOutriders, and Life Is Strange.” So until we hear for sure what IPs are a part of the deal it’s likely best not to speculate.

We look forward to what Embracer has in store for each studio and IP they have acquired and can’t do anything more but hope for the best!

By Zach Yagle

Zach, a 26-year-old living in Denver, Colorado, shares a deep passion for video games that has been a constant source of joy and inspiration throughout his life. Since his childhood, Zach has immersed himself in the world of gaming, exploring a wide range of titles across various platforms.

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