AC Valhalla is one of my most anticipated games of 2020. The official release is November 10th so we’re less than a week away now! With the enormous success of its predecessors, Assassin’s Creed Origins & Odyssey, AC Valhalla has some big shoes to fill.


We Want To Be Vikings

One of the main reasons I’m super excited for AC Valhalla is…Vikings! I’ve always imagined how fun it would be to have Odin strike my enemies down with lightning and swing around huge axes at my enemies. It looks like that’s finally going to be possible in AC Valhalla. (Maybe not the Odin part, we’ll see.)

When exploring the Nordic landscape, we will be playing as Eivor, the mighty Viking raider.

We Want To Lead Epic Raids

Ubisoft has been hinting at a new feature of AC Valhalla that has never been in an Assassin’s Creed game before, raids! We will be able to lead our people in massive assaults against Saxon armies, fortresses, and encampments to gain influence over the area and conquer the lands. Not only will we be able to attack from the land but our longships will be able to launch devastating attacks as well. Take my money, Ubisoft.

We Want New Combat

Assassin’s Creed games have always been notorious for great combat. Over the years, Ubisoft has experimented with many different styles. Origins and Odyssey had a new take on combat that grew on me as I played. Now that we’re gaining access to the Nordic arsenal, the possibilities are endless. I’m really excited to swing massive axes, throw things at enemies, and shield bash the Saxon for some epic takedowns. Ubisoft has unlimited possibilities for AC Valhalla.

AC valhalla eivor
the main character from AC Valhalla, Eivor!

We Want An Epic Story

Assassin Creed games have always boasted great plots. The last couple of titles allowed for some story branching depending on your actions taken in-game. I’m really hoping Ubisoft takes it another level with a custom, unique story that you create as you play. Ubisoft said we will be able to “blaze our own path across England.”  This is exactly what I’m looking for. We want choices to matter in an epic RPG like this.

We Want Settlements

Having the ability to grow and maintain a settlement would be a brand new feature in the Assassin’s Creed universe. I know it’s different than previous titles, but change can be good. I’ve always loved the idea of having a homestead. After all, it was one of my favorite mods in Skyrim. Depending on how robust settlements are in AC Valhalla, you can bet I’ll be spending many, many hours improving my home base.

We Want New Graphics

I wouldn’t be much of a gamer if I wasn’t at least curious about the updated engine and graphics that AC Valhalla will bring. Graphics aren’t everything, but they definitely help me immerse myself in the world. I find this especially true for open-world games. Brings back memories of Geralt and slaying monsters…

We Want Replayability

With the massive success of New Game Mode + and other replayable features that other games have been doing lately, we’re hoping AC Valhalla is able to step up to the plate. With branching stories and different ways to play the game, we’re hoping there is some serious replayability. I know not everyone likes to replay games, but if it’s a game I truly enjoy, I’m always down. Yes, I’m one of those people. If anything, at least having the ability to play with different builds is enough to warrant replaying the game for many people. Sometimes a build alone makes it a totally new experience.


I know I can’t wait for AC Valhalla. What are you all most excited for in this unique take to the Assassin’s Creed lineage? Let us know in the comments below. Also, if you play Apex Legends, check out our new Apex Legends Season 7 Patch Notes. (Any Horizon mains?)


By Derek

Derek, a 28-year-old residing in Chicago, IL, is an avid video game enthusiast who has been immersed in the gaming world since his childhood. From the moment he laid hands on his first console, Derek's passion for video games ignited and has continued to burn brightly throughout his life.

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