Coming from Golden Guardians themselves they are “hoping to set the standard for what a reset and what a developmental team looks like.” With only head coach “Inero” returning let’s see how the Golden Guardians Roster for 2021 has taken shape and what their chances really look like.
The top side from GG will already have built in synergy as both “Niles” and “Zoun” are coming from Maryville who has consistently looked like one of if not the best collegiate team. “Niles” was also picked up through the Scouting Grounds Draft, which I personally love to see.
In the Mid lane, we have “Ablazeolive” who is moving up from the GG Academy roster. “Ablazeolive” has actually been around the league for a little while now and along with “Stixxay” who will be the Golden Guardians ADC will provide the more veteran voices in the team. Finally “Newbie” will be playing along “Stixxay” in support.
Overall I actually am really behind the idea of giving new talent a solid chance in the LCS. Obviously, in doing this you’re taking a risk, but there’s also a chance you can find some real stars. “Niles” has a good chance to be one of those stars. While he still has a ton of learning to do his mechanical skills are clearly there. He also has the mindset of what and feeling that he can carry which I feel is criminally underrated.
The possibility of a good split is there for sure but there is also the chance the team doesn’t mesh and they fall flat. I for one am in the GG camp and hope they do well. I want to see more teams take chances rather than settle for something they know is average. Only time will tell with the Golden Guardians Roster and we will do our best to discuss it along the whole way.
In Other News
Check out some of the other LCS Roster Changes for 2021 as well.
With Christmas coming up be sure to check out the latest LoL eSports news.
Lastly be sure to get to know the new league of legends champion – Rell.