Here is what we known, Mixer is fully shutting down its services on July 22nd and will be partnering with Facebook, Shroud and Ninja got paid, and many streamers are scrambling to find out what to do. Mixer stirred up the gaming world when they went out and signed Shroud and Ninja both to contracts allowing to only stream with them. Even in doing so, it seems Mixer wasn’t able to bring in enough viewership. A surprise to many Microsoft announced they would be shutting down Mixer and Partnering with Facebook leaving everyone’s jaw agape.
Xbox head Phil Spencer had this to say about the shut down on a post on Xbox Wire. “It became clear that the time needed to grow our own live streaming community to scale was out of measure with the vision and experiences we want to deliver to gamers now, so we’ve decided to close the operations side of Mixer and help the community transition to a new platform. To better serve our community’s needs, we’re teaming up with Facebook to enable the Mixer community to transition to Facebook Gaming.”
Shroud and Ninja reporting opted out of moving to Facebook even with contracts nearly doubled what they originally had been offered. Their payouts are said to be around $10m and $30m respectively. Opting out also leaves both Streamers in “free agent mode” meaning they can talk to whatever streaming service they want. Many people including us are expecting Shroud and Ninja both to return to Twitch but only time will tell. Both did put out tweets after the news was dropped thanking their communities and saying they have decisions to make going forward.
Unlike those two, not all Mixer streamers have been so lucky. While Facebook is allowing Mixer partnered streamers to move over many aren’t sure of what to do. Some have gone to Twitch while others to Facebook. It was reported that Facebook is offering a $2,500 signing bonus to Mixer partnered streamers who do decide to join them, but even then Facebook doesn’t seem to be many people’s first choice when moving to a new platform. This inevitably will cause some headaches for many smaller streamers who were just starting to build their community.
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