TFT Patch Rundown 14.1 1

It’s finally time for another TFT Patch Rundown. After a long winter break, Mortdog and the rest of the TFT crew are back at it with their next patch. Almost fully due to the long break, the 13.25 felt like it was around forever, and for many that wasn’t a good thing. The meta was figured out to a T and had many people “open-forting” and forcing boards like Ahri-Sentinels or True Damage with a spatula. Patch 14.1 looks to make more things playable and spice up the meta once again. Let’s dive in and take a closer look at our TFT Patch Rundown!

TFT Patch Rundown: Systems

TFT Patch Rundown 14.1 Systems

First off we have some changes to how headliners show up. No longer will you rely on scouting to know if you’re favorite 4 or 5 cost headliner can show up in your shop. The change does stop the ability to stack 6 of a unit and magically a hit 3-star based on getting that headliner, however. With this change, there’s a good chance we may see more people try and force certain comps since the possibility of the headliner is based on you and you alone. 

While not quite as big as the change to the headliners there are three other system changes in the 14.1 TFT Patch Rundown. Combat ties seem like a logical result with streaks being reset to 0 and the adjustments from Jazz to Country being craftable will be interesting. The main outcome from that is a higher likelihood of seeing Samira reroll comps but now with 7 Country behind it. Finally, we have the change to streak gold which will just make it harder to full streak and in turn, even out one win one loss gold with streak gold. This will also likely lower the overall gold in each game. 

To finish off “system” changes, new portals are being added to the game! For a look at said portals be sure to check out Mortdog’s video where he talks about all things TFT Patch Rundown! 

TFT Patch Rundown: Traits

TFT Patch Rundown 14.1 Traits

Generally, this patch is about buffing up other options to make many things playable rather than nerfing anything. Of this section, the most notable changes are Jax getting more base spell power but losing out on frequency reduction at EDM 5 and base timer. Executioners lose out on base critical strike damage but can get up to %200 crit chance which converts to more crit damage. 

TFT Patch Rundown 14.1 Traits 2

Heartsteel is getting a pretty large change to its overall mechanic. Instead of automatically getting paid out after 4 turns you can choose to “raise the stakes” for a chance at better rewards. In doing so you risk losing 50% of your total hearts. Hyperpop is getting a solid buff with mana per cast doubling. Finally, Sentinels are getting a small nerf to try and discourage the forcing of Ahri-Sentinel comp. 

TFT Patch Rundown: Champions 1-Cost

TFT Patch Rundown Champs 1 Cost

For the 1-cost units, the biggest buff seems to have gone to Taric. The more than doubling of his damage makes your board very likely to streak if you can get a headliner Taric early. That coming along with buffs to Nami the early disco board is looking very strong. 

  • Annie Disintegrate Damage: 195/295/440 > 220/330/495
  • Annie Disintegrate powered up Attack Speed: 50% > 40%
  • Annie Disintegrate powered up Second Disintegrate Damage: 115/170/255 > 80/120/180
  • Nami Mana buff: 15/75 > 15/60
  • Nami Disco Prison Stun duration: 1.5 > 1.25 sec
  • Nami Disco Prison now has a slightly lower mana lockout period to prevent cases of not getting mana for attacks at higher attack speeds (Rageblade at the Disco Nami is now online)
  • Olaf AD: 50 > 55
  • Olaf Berserker Rage Attack Speed based on missing 1% HP ratio: 0.12% > 0.15%
  • Tahm Kench AD: 60 > 70
  • Tahm Kench Armor & MR: 35 > 40
  • Taric Mirroball’s Blessing Damage: 100/150/225 > 250/375/565
  • Vi The Harder They Fall AD%: 220% > 330%
  • Vi The Harder They Fall empowered AD%: 320% > 450%
  • Vi recommended Items changed to Attack Fighter
  • Yasuo Synthesizer Strike AD per kill: 1% > 1.5%

TFT Patch Rundown: Champions 2-Cost

TFT Patch Rundown 14.1 2

A handful of 2-cost units also got some love in 14.1 but our favorite is Bard. The slight boost to his damage in combination with the forcing of his ability to do damage at least 3 times rather than randomly heal or damage makes him a more viable carry unit. Gragas also got a slight buff just adding even more to that already buffed early game Disco board. 

  • Bard Improv Doot Damage: 190/285/430 > 200/300/450
  • Bard Improv will always cast 3 damage notes (Doots) and 1 healing note (Chime) while there is a valid heal target
  • Garen HP: 750 > 800
  • Garen Power-Up! HP gain: 200/215/230 > 215/230/245
  • Gragas Boogie Hour damage: 160/240/360 > 190/285/440
  • Kai’Sa Got the Boom AD%: 280/280/285% > 290/290/300%
  • Kai’Sa Got the Boom AP Damage: 30/45/65 > 40/60/90
  • Katarina AS: 0.7 > 0.75
  • Kayle Fires of Ascension empowered attacks bonus Damage: 35/50/75 > 35/55/80
  • Kayle Fires of Ascension final empowered attack Damage: 210/315/475 > 240/360/540

TFT Patch Rundown: Champions 3-Cost

TFT Patch Rundown Champs 3 Cost

Very few 3-cost units were given any changes for this TFT patch rundown with Mordekaiser being the most interesting. Even with that being said he was only slightly buffed with some bonus damage. 

  • Ekko Record Scratch Stun Duration: 1.5 > 1 sec
  • Lux Laser Light Show Damage: 230/345/550 > 250/375/550
  • Mordekaiser Face-Melter Damage over 3 seconds: 200/300/480 > 220/330/525
  • Mordekaiser Face-Melter final Damage burst: 200/300/480 > 220/330/525

TFT Patch Rundown: Champions 4-Cost

TFT Patch Rundown Champs 4 Cost

A small nerf to Ahri might finally take her out of the best unit in game territory. But a few minor buffs to both Karthus and Twisted Fate have them at the forefront of most winning boards! 

  • Ahri AS: 0.8 > 0.75
  • Karthus starting Mana nerf: 40/120 > 30/120
  • Karthus Mortal Reminder number of targets: 5 > 4/4/6
  • Karthus Mortal Reminder Damage: 220/330/1000 > 270/405/900
  • Twisted Fate Hustle & Shuffle AS needed per 1 bonus card: 40% > 20%
  • Viego Riff of the Ruined King slam AD%: 200/200/400% > 225/225/450%
  • Zac Mana buff: 60/130 > 60/120
  • Zac Armor & MR: 60 > 70
  • Zac Let’s Bounce! Heal per bounce: 100/150/800 > 120/160/800

TFT Patch Rundown: Champions 5-Cost

TFT Patch Rundown 14.1 3

With nerfs to both Sona and Qiyana some other 5-cost unit was going to have to step up and be the best, Lucian and Ziggs are trying to be it. Hyperpop is a real main trait now and Lucian finally being able to scale with attack speed like he was supposed to all along makes him a real threat. 

  • Lucian AD: 65 > 70
  • Lucian Arpeggio Shot AD%: 55/55/1000% > 60/60/1000%
  • Lucian Arpeggio spell now correctly scales with attack speed
  • Qiyana Sample & Remix AD%: 500/500/1000 > 470/470/1000%
  • Qiyana Sample & Remix Itemless additional True Damage: 75% > 60%
  • Qiyana Sample & Remix number of Items Copied: 1/2/3 > 1/1/3
  • Sona The Drop Kinetic (Heal Form) Heal per auto: 4/7/100% > 5/8/100%
  • Sona The Drop Ethereal (Attack Speed Form) AS per Auto: 25/35/500% > 20/30/500%
  • Sona The Drop Ethereal (Attack Speed Form) AS on Cast: 125/175/777% > 100/150/777%
  • Sona The Drop Concussive (Damage Form) AP per auto: 2/3/100 > 3/4/100
  • Ziggs AS: 0.8 > 0.85
  • Ziggs Chaos Theory smaller bomb Damage: 70/105/400 > 90/135/500

TFT Patch Rundown: Headliners

The headliner changes were very minimal with the only super notable thing being that headliner Gnar will no longer instantly jump in but delay that leap as an attempt to stop him from being focused down so easily. Every other headliner change is rather forgettable if we’re being honest.  

  • Evelynn: 100 HP & 15 AP > 100 HP & 20 AP
  • Olaf: 150 HP & 10 Armor/MR >150 HP & 15 Armor/MR
  • Tahm Kench: 225 HP > 300 HP
  • Taric: 100 HP & 15 Armor > 150 HP & 15 Armor
  • Vi: 150 HP & 20% AD > 250 HP & 15% AD
  • Yasuo: 100 HP & 15% Omnivamp > 200 HP & 10% Omnivamp
  • Aphelios: 20% AD > 25% AD
  • Garen: 400 HP > 350 HP
  • Gnar: Jump slightly delayed to after initial enemy targeting
  • Gragas: 15% Damage & 10% DR > 18% Damage & 10% DR
  • Neeko: 200 HP & 20 Mana to Ally > 200 HP & 40 Mana to Ally
  • Zac: 200 HP & 15 AP > 300 HP & 20 AP
  • Kayn: 5 AP & Increased Rewards > 10 AP & Increased Rewards

TFT Patch Rundown: Augments

With the addition of new Augments, changes were also made to help balance out the existing ones. A big one is the loss of consistency altogether, with the gold changes being cited as the reason why. Cybernetic Bulk also got a needed nerf hopefully making it not just always the best choice. 

  • Cybernetic Bulk I/II/III HP: 222/333/555 > 200/300/500
  • Best Friends I AS & Armor: 10 > 12
  • Consistency has been Disabled
  • Help is on the Way Turns to wait: 6 > 8
  • Rolling for Days I Rerolls Granted: 8 > 9
  • Rolling for Days I can now show up 3-2 and 4-2
  • Stationary Support Turns to wait: 7 > 8
  • Crash Test Dummies Stun Duration: 2 > 1.25 seconds
  • Crash Test Dummies jump delayed to after initial enemy targeting
  • Expose Weakness (Executioner) Shred & Sunder: 40% > 30%
  • Extended Play (Punk) now grants 2 gold whenever a Punk champion is 2-starred.
  • Heroic Grab Bag Gold: 2 > 4
  • Little Buddies HP: 90 > 75
  • Ramping Rhythm (Rapidfire) starting Stacks: 3 > 4
  • Return on Investment Rerolls required: 18 > 16
  • Submit To The Pit (Mosher) REWORKED: now grants the benefits based on nearby allies at the start of combat. 5 > 3 stats.
  • Teaming Up II now can only show up on 4-2
  • Three’s a Crowd HP per 3-cost: 80 > 75
  • Binary Airdrop now specifies that it will grant a recommended item. (No functional change)
  • Tiniest Titan+ Gold: 8 > 15

TFT Patch Rundown: Items

  • Adaptive Helm Front Row Armor & MR: 35 > 40
  • Adaptive Helm Back Row Bonus AP: 15 > 20
  • Jak’Sho the Protean (Radiant) Armor & MR: 45 > 60
  • Archangel’s Staff AP per 5 Seconds: 25 > 30
  • Urf-Angel’s Staff (Radiant) AP per 4 seconds: 35 > 40
  • Bloodthirster now also grants 15 AP
  • Blessed Bloodthirster (Radiant) also grants 30 AP
  • Blue Buff bonus Damage on Takedown: 10% > 8%
  • Dragon’s Claw HP Increase: 5% > 10%
  • Dragon’s Will (Radiant) HP Increase: 8% > 18%
  • Evenshround Armor & MR for 10 seconds: 20 > 25
  • Gargoyle Stoneplate now also grants 100 HP
  • Dvarapala Stoneplate (Radiant) now also grants 250 HP
  • Dvarapala Stoneplate (Radiant) base Armor & MR: 30 > 50
  • Hextech Gunblade base AD & AP: 10 > 15
  • Hextech Lifeblade (Radiant) AD: 10 > 30
  • Hextech Lifeblade (Radiant) AP: 40 > 50
  • Ionic Spark now also grants 200 HP
  • Covalent Spark (Radiant) now grants 400 HP
  • Jeweled Gauntlet AP: 30 > 35
  • Glamorous Gauntlet (Radiant) AP: 55 > 65
  • Morellonomicon now also grants 15% Attack Speed
  • More More-ellonomicon (Radiant) also grants 25% Attack Speed
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap AP: 60 > 50
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap bonus Damage: 8% > 20%
  • Rabadon’s Ascended Deathcap (Radiant) AP: 110 > 70
  • Rabadon’s Ascended Deathcap (Radiant) bonus Damage: 12% > 50%
  • Red Buff Bonus Damage: 8% > 6%
  • Crest of Cinders (Radiant) AS: 70% > 60%
  • Crest of Cinders (Radiant) Bonus Damage: 10% > 8%
  • True Damage Emblem Bling Bonus removed
  • Royal Crownshield (Radiant Crownguard) starting Shield: 40% > 50%
  • Legacy of the Colossus (Radiant Steadfast Heart) base Damage Reduction: 9% > 12%

TFT Patch Rundown

As always a huge thanks to Mortdog and the whole TFT crew. We love TFT and assume you do too if you made it here! We keep up to date with every patch and would love to have you back. If the patch does start to get stale and you want something else to play while you wait for the new thing check out our top 5 new games in January

By Zach Yagle

Zach, a 26-year-old living in Denver, Colorado, shares a deep passion for video games that has been a constant source of joy and inspiration throughout his life. Since his childhood, Zach has immersed himself in the world of gaming, exploring a wide range of titles across various platforms.

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