With much anticipation for the 2022 Worlds Championship final, we decided to take a look back and pick our Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals! With so much of the line and teams wanting to make their regions proud there were plenty of great finals to choose from but here are our favorites!

5. G2 Esports vs. FunPlus Pheonix (2019)

The first and only time a western team will be on our list of the Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals is the final from 2019. After an amazing year of winning both LEC splits and even bringing the MSI trophy to Europe for the first time. G2 Esports looked to one-up Fnatic who made it to the final the year before but fell at the hands of Invictus Gaming. With the “best” western team ever assembled, G2 sought to make the perfect year come true.

Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals

On the other side awaiting them, however, was FunPlus Pheonix and their main stay Mid-laner from essentially their last 3 years “DoinB”. Known for being willing to play just about anything “DoinB” was not going to be denied. With a smothering playstyle and the ability to shut down G2’s attempts to cause skirmishes and chaos in the early game FPX was able to take the finals 3-0 dashing the hopes of Europe once again.

4. Taipei Assassins vs. Azubu Frost (2012)

For number 4 on our Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals list, we have to go way back all the way to 2012. Now 2012 was a very different time in League of Legends history, with only 1 best-of 5 series even being played in the tournament things were definitely a little weird. Regardless the gameplay was still exhilarating!

Azubu Frost was considered one of the big favorites coming into the tournament and had performed as such for much of the tournament. Not dropping a single game in groups or the Quarterfinals Azubu Frost finally tasted their first game loss in the Semifinals against CLG.EU. Azubu would head into the finals as the favorite in most people’s minds.

Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals

Their opponents the Taipei Assassins also had only dropped 1 game heading into the finals but had also qualified directly into the quarterfinals (yeah that was a thing too). They dropped that game to a Moscow5 team that was also considered one of the big favorites to win it all. Incredible play from TPA’s Mid-lane “Toyz” would be the stand-out performance to bring the Summoners cup home to Taiwan for the first and only time thus far in League of Legends history.

3. SK Telecom T1 vs. Samsung Galaxy (2016)

For the first time on our Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals list, we see SK Telecom T1. SKT has always been a huge fan favorite with the undebated best player of all the “Faker” as well as the record for the most League of Legends Worlds Championships at 3.

After an easier route to the finals and instantly going down 0-2, Samsung Galaxy seemed to be fully out of any chance to win Worlds. However, SSG had a different idea, by targeting “Blank” a young the jungler for SKT SSG had us all back on the edge of our seats after bringing the series all the way back to 2-2. Could SKT respond or would SSG have another title after Samsung White all the way back in 2014?

Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals

Well, you don’t get to 3 Worlds Championships without a little adversity. In Game 5 SKT made the risky decision of bringing in the veteran jungler “Bengi”, a jungler who had struggled to play consistently at the highest level all throughout 2016. While either a reverse sweep or an SKT game 5 win would have likely already put this Finals on our list of the Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals. The fact that “Bengi” ended up coming off the bench to give SKT the push they needed to give them their back-to-back Worlds Championship title made it just that much better! SKT win (3-2).

2. Suning vs. DAMWON Gaming (2020)

Now I know for many people this might be a little high on our Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals list, but the story of Suning was just so good. Suning were the LPL’s 3rd seed in 2020 and were considered to be clearly weaker than both JD Gaming the #2 seed and Top Esports the #1 seed. Suning would top their group and head into the quarterfinals going up against the 2nd seed LPL team in JD Gaming.

Suning would make it past JD Gaming with a (3-1) series going in their favor while their eventual Semifinals opponent that #1 seed from the LPL Top Esports would struggle a bit more with Fnatic getting past them (3-2). Could Suning beat the two teams that qualified ahead of them and overcome what everyone thought was such a clear gap? Well again, that’s what made this Finals rank so highly on our Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals list, because of course they could! Suning would also take down Top Esports (3-1) and make their way to the grand final!

Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals

Sadly for Suning, all great stories must come to an end. DAMWON Gaming had cruised through their pathway to the finals dropping only 2 games 1 in the group stage to JDG and 1 in the Semifinals to G2. The early favorites for the finals did end up winning the series (3-1) but the series was competitive and fun to watch. Suning’s one win came with a jungle Rengar and the first-ever finals pentakill from top lane “Bin” on Fiora and made the story just that much more enjoyable and one of my personal favorites and therefore Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals!

1. Edward Gaming vs. DWG KIA (2021)

After a blast through the past, we come back to just last year to have the #1 League of Legends Championship Finals on our list of the Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals. With some of the cleanest play and multiple changes of momentum, the 2021 Finals was just a joy to watch!

DWG KIA came into the finals day as the heavy favorite and look poised to go back-to-back as Champions of Worlds. “Canyon” DK’s jungler came in with high praise, being touted as possibly the best jungler in the world at the time. That would quickly be tracked back as DK’s drafting and “Canyon” getting outclassed by “Jiejie”.

Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals

Overall Edward Gaming was able to come into the finals as major underdogs yet keep their heads high as they went on to win (3-2). The ability to shut down both “khan” and “Canyon” consistently is ultimately what lead to the series win. The 5 game series was incredibly enjoyable to watch which is why it is our #1 Finals in our Top 5 Best League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals list!

We are just a week away from the 2022 League of Legends Worlds Championship Finals T1 and “Faker” will go up against DRX and “Deft” giving us what should be another super exciting Finals. This also guarantees a Korean team will hoist the trophy once again. Be sure to check out the game over on Riot Games Twitch channel. Also, as always be sure to check out our other Top 5 Lists that cover just about everything gaming!

By Zach Yagle

Zach, a 26-year-old living in Denver, Colorado, shares a deep passion for video games that has been a constant source of joy and inspiration throughout his life. Since his childhood, Zach has immersed himself in the world of gaming, exploring a wide range of titles across various platforms.

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