The Runelite Quest Helper plugin is quite possibly the best Runelite plugin. As such it is a mainstay on our Top 5 Runelite Plugins Everyone Should Have list. But what is Quest Helper and why is it so good? Well, let’s jump into a more in-depth look at Runelite Quest Helper and why you should %100 be using it!

While I know many people aren’t too fond of Quest, Quest are a vital part of early game RuneScape. From XP to unlocking new areas or ways to train, if you’re starting a new account you’ll want to get a jump start on Quest as soon as possible. This is where the Runelite Quest Helper can help you out. Not only does the Quest Helper give you a step-by-step guide on how to finish the quest you’re working on, but it will also give you an “optimal” order in which you should do your Quests. 

Runelite Quest Helper Ordering


While that’s all well and good you don’t have to follow it and the Runelite Quest Helper also has options to list the Quest in an A to Z format, Release date, Optimal (both Ironman and not), and even based on the amount of Quest Points given. 

So once you have an order you want picked out or a certain quest you already had in mind what’s next? Well, now it’s time to step up and get that quest done. Like many other quest guides the Runelite Quest Helper will break down everything you need for the quest itself. All the levels will be listed (even those needed by Ironman for certain item requirements). Item requirements, recommended items, enemies to defeat, and finally the rewards will also all be clearly shown in your Runelite client. 

Runelite Quest Helper Arrows

Then comes the best part of Runelite Quest Helper, once you’re set up with items in hand and levels achieved normally the annoying part of actually doing the quest becomes much easier. Quest Helper will put an arrow on your map telling you exactly where to go. The step you are currently on will also be shown in the top left while Quest Helper is active telling you what needs to be done in that area. These two things make the quests seem half as long due to the direct instruction on what to do. 

If you’re still not using Quest Helper I honestly don’t know what to tell you. The plugin does so much to make quest less of a hassle and set you out in the right direction to level up your account. We love Quest Helper and will always recommend it to everyone! If you want even more Runelite Plugins be sure to check out our Top 5 Runelite Plugins Everyone Should Have!

By Zach Yagle

Zach, a 26-year-old living in Denver, Colorado, shares a deep passion for video games that has been a constant source of joy and inspiration throughout his life. Since his childhood, Zach has immersed himself in the world of gaming, exploring a wide range of titles across various platforms.

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