With the launch of the PS5 right around the corner, we’re all eagerly awaiting the shiny new console and its next-gen games. The PS5 has many technical details that will make it the new king of consoles and blow away the previous generation in speed, storage, and graphics. Here are the PS5 specs that make us foam at the mouth.


5. Super-Fast SSD

The PS5 will have the fastest storage of any console ever made by far. The new NVMe drive will compete with high-end PCs for its speed, adaptability, and loading times.

Sony has claimed this NVMe drive will virtually eliminate loading times in games or drastically shorten them. I’d say this is on of the best features of the PS5! Who likes loading times?

PS5 specs - ps5 ssd

4. 4k UHD Blu-Ray

There’s something special about Blu-Ray movies and shows. The beautiful display and vibrant colors are truly awesome. Luckily, the PS5 will have a high-tech 4k UHD Blu-Ray player built in the standard version.

PS5 specs -  uhd blu ray

3. 5x Faster GPU

The PS5 boasted 1.84 TFLOPs with 18 cores. The PS5 will harness a massive 10.28 TFLOPs with 36 cores. That’s over 5x faster than the previous-gen!

PS5 specs - GPU

2. Crazy Fast CPU

You can’t do a PS5 specs list without mentioning the CPU. The eight Zen 2 cores at 3.5ghz are going to be a marvel to see. Heck, my PC only has Zen 1. This will give developers more headroom to create intense, detailed worlds.

PS5 Specs - CPU


1. Next-Gen Games

Of course, none of this would matter without the PS5 games. All of the new technology will allow the PS5 to have unprecedented, immersive games. You might want to check out the Top 5 Anticipated PS5 Exclusives to see what we mean.

Horizon Forbidden West looks crazy good and it’s still in early development!

PS5 Specs - next-gen games


Everyone in the gaming world is eagerly awaiting the next-gen consoles and their immense power. The PS5 specs are truly, truly impressive. The PS5 might not be cheap, but it will definitely be worth it.

The next-gen games will blow our minds and make for some seriously interesting experiences.

By Derek

Derek, a 28-year-old residing in Chicago, IL, is an avid video game enthusiast who has been immersed in the gaming world since his childhood. From the moment he laid hands on his first console, Derek's passion for video games ignited and has continued to burn brightly throughout his life.

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